Sherwin Emmanuel

I returned to Canada after playing professional soccer in Australia for 3 years. I had developed shooting pains in my left heel, Achilles and calf and had consulted with 2 professionals but with no improvement.
I met with Al Mursalin at the NLC Fitness and Training Centre and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Step by step

Al did a detailed assessment that included a structural balance assessment along with nutritional and environmental intolerances. Al then designed a 4 week program that entailed fitness, supplements, and analytics training, the first step to correcting the imbalances. During this time I was restricted from training and playing soccer.

My progress

3 weeks later he then did a re-assessment and determined there was a problem with my right knee that was caused by the insoles in my shoes. The insoles were removed, followed by considerable analytics training to correct the structural imbalances.
With the pain gone and the problem corrected I have begun the second phase of my fitness and at present I have a 2 week program that entails correcting structural imbalances of my upper body for soccer.